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Foggy mountains is where most night owls soar
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thoughts at dawn

Let's discover everything under the moonlight.

The Night Owl Blog is dedicated to Art, Travel and communicating to create a community for people with issues in their sleeping pattern thus, the term "night owl". I also wanted this to be a way for me to communicate to other people but mostly with my fellow night owl person. Everybody can go on adventures or create art but its even more exhilarating if you know you've got people who understands you in your chosen journey. 

A night owl travel adventure at the airport with my family.

I dedicate this page for the thoughts that intrude my mind in the deepest hours of the night. I would like to fill this with insights to life and maybe an inspiration for some of my night owl artworks of reasons for my recent night owl travel adventures.

As a night owl person, there are moments when I wished I spoke my mind at lunch discussions or I wished that I brought up a good topic during bonding with friends and night owl buddies, but I didn't. I stayed silent or maybe I was too shy to speak up. I found it very challenging to do that and so, I would like to learn how to do that and maybe this is the first step.

Therefore, I would like to post my thoughts here that I've deeply explored during dawn and maybe find another night owl buddy who understands and create bonding or meaningful conversations with them.


This is the night owl blog logo
Foggy mountains is where most night owls soar

thoughts at dawn

Let's discover everything under the moonlight.

10 Facts that are true for me as a night owl person:

1. Night owls tend to be single for a long time

I have been single for a long time and I think it's not solely because of me being a night owl. It's half an active choice and half is because of other reasons. I may miss out on something but I can't be happier with where I am now by myself. 

2. Night owls are more likely to be creative

I am not saying I am the most creative night owl person there is, but at a certain degree, I always have the desire to be creative in everything I do and the results would turn out the way I want. A lot of people have told me that I am creative and as an active choice to have confidence in myself, I will believe that I am leaning towards the creative spectrum.

3. Night owls have greater physical strengths in the evening

4. Night owls have the tendency to have flexible sleeping patterns

I am usually more fond of exercising at night and sometimes even during dawn. I feel more energized after sleeping through the morning and starting my day at noon.

I am not promoting for everyone to be a night owl nor I am romanticizing the idea of being a night owl. I just happen to have the perks that I have now as a night owl person and on of them being a flexible person when it comes to sleeping patterns. There was a point in my life that I managed to get through a tough work schedule as long as I get at least 5 hours or so of sleep and at the time, it didn't matter whether I slept at night or morning. As long as I had a quality sleep of at least 5 hours or so, I was functioning fine and that is a perk that I'm thankful for.

5. Night owls have the tendency to start their work day/time in the afternoon

This is true for me because I usually wake up during noon and I have at least 2 to 3 hours of me time and I start my day of work or schedule, whatever I have planned for that day, in the afternoon, probably around 4:00 pm or 5:00 pm. So far, it has worked for me.

6. Night owls are more likely to be a procrastinator

7. Night owls are mentally alert for more hours

This is a character trait that I'm not sure if it stems from me being a night owl person or not. I just really like to take my time for things that I work on and really take in what's happening. Also, especially, if it's a task that I find uninteresting, I end up taking breaks every 30 minutes of progress on whatever I'm working on.  

8. Night owls have the tendency to be prone to bad lifestyle habits

Again, this is a character trait which I'm not sure if it stems from me being a night owl or not. I just noticed this when me and my sister went to play games after me having only at least 4 hours of sleep for the whole week. The game was to test concentration and mental exercise and I won against her who's not a night owl person. Again, the game might not exactly be standardized but it was sort of a confirmation for me.

9. Night owls are great company

This is true for me and while others might be more inclined to this with tobacco or alcohol, I just developed this bad habit of snacking at night since I work and do stuff way past my bedtime. 

10. Night owls have the tendency to get higher test scores

I'm not exactly the most friendly and am no way near the life of the party type but I just realized that I have a lot of friends who talk to me at night and sometimes we have long, deep talks and most of them say that the conversation we had was delightful and cathartic.

I guess this isn't for every night owl person out there cause knowing some, it wasn't the case for them but I'm thankful the late night studying works on me.

Benefits of being a night owl
This is the night owl blog logo
Foggy mountains is where most night owls soar

thoughts at dawn

Let's discover everything under the moonlight.

As a Night owl person, I've had thoughts about philosophy and theory

Here's an example:

What would you genetically change about humans to make them a better species?

Night owl thoughts at dawn questions: What would you genetically change about humans to make them a better species?

First off, I want to say that defining words such as better and perfect is already pretty hard since I think that the word better and perfect is subjective. The two words, according to my understanding, are kind of a similar descriptor for something or someone. Of course, there is one universal meaning for those words however, the society created a standard for everyone to see or define as better or percfect. If we are talking about perfect, then its supposed to be a 100% at anything. No 99.9% reasoning, but just a 100%. The reason why I see those words as similar is because, technically, it means advancing towards a goal that could be the same in nature but different for everybody or anyone.  When a person reaches his or her 100% does not mean that that is everyone’s 100%. Since we are born with similar DNA but very unique in pattern of thinking and behavior, it could not be the same for everyone. Even if we classify people in distinctions, there still has to be a 10% difference on how they live or exist.

Now, going back to the question, if I could genetically change something about the human DNA, it would become a question of what is better? It would be hard to speak for everyone since some humans might have reached their greatest or fullest potential and form in all aspects of life and some might still be evolving. In every specie, there is and always will be a flaw, so making a better genetic frame for anything, let alone for anyone, would be worthless and maybe uncalled for, regardless it's in my power or the a gift, it would not be for me to decide for the whole of mankind. 


This is the night owl blog logo
Foggy mountains is where most night owls soar

thoughts at dawn

Let's discover everything under the moonlight.

As a Night owl person, it crossed my mind on how to aid this sleeping issue:

1. Drink tea at least an hour before sleeping

A night owl person's aid to better sleeping - drinking the right tea.

There are a lot of benefits from drinking tea but you must know specifically which tea can help you fall a good night's sleep.

2. Do meditation and relax your whole body

A night owl's aid to better sleeping - meditation and how to do it.

You might think that when you meditate, eventually, you fall asleep but that's not true for every one. Meditating is not just closing you eyes and relaxing. There are several type of meditation and how you do them.

3. Listen to playlist that will help you fall asleep


Music does a lot for humankind. Not only it transcends something beyond languages and genre but to some, it is a soothing medium to aid one's sleep. Preference varies from one person to another but the purpose it serves is the same.

This is the night owl blog logo
Foggy mountains is where most night owls soar

thoughts at dawn

Let's discover everything under the moonlight.

This Night Owl's Favorite Band: My Chemical Romance

Night Owl's favorite band: My Chemical Romance and the cover of the Black Parade Album.

The cover of MCR: The Black Parade Album

One of my favorite bands in this world is My Chemical Romance. And to be honest, me liking them did not come from my "emo" days or anything. I really just appreciate their genre and I am a lyricist. I weigh a music heavy or moving more based on the lyric content and it's context. 

I specifically like The Black Parade Album because the album are made up of songs discussing the concept of death and they brought it up lyrically satisfying. For such a concept, one that's hard to talk about, they did a very great job in my opinion in expressing their thoughts about the topic and the music videos was also very good.

As a night owl person, the concept was very much fitting with the concept of my blog and in the deepest hours of the night, I admit that this is a dangerous genre to be listening to, but I definitely appreciate it without the pretense of romanticizing anything but just beauty of expression through music.

Welcome to the Black Parade

mcr the black parade.jpg

My Chemical Romance in the Black Parade Music Video

Check out my favorite song in the album "Welcome to the Black Parade" and another favorite from another album which was the Black Parade/Living with the ghouls, which is "Famous Last Words" and a list of good covers of their songs.

My Favorite Band: MCR
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